Friday, May 7, 2010

I survived Part I

I say Part I because I finished final exams, and my first year of law school, yesterday afternoon! Whoo-hoo! Part II is that I will be competing for a coveted spot on our school's Law Journal until next Saturday (this is where the sad Doot-doot-do-doot buzzer from The Price is Right would play.) Yes, I'm done, but I'm not. I will be reading and editing a law review article and writing a 10-page paper. For fun. Well, maybe not fun, but for prestige, glory and honor. At least, if I win the competition I will have glory. In mid-July, I'll find out if I got in. If I don't get in, rest assured, I won't tell all of you. And if you ask if I made the cut, I'll proclaim that this week was a colossal waste of my time, and declare that I didn't really want it anyway, so there. That's just who I am. I am a bit of a sore loser. For now, keep your fingers crossed until next Saturday that I am, in fact, a legal writing rockstar.
As for the rest of my plans, I'll be taking summer classes in Criminal Procedure and Negotiations starting June 1st. I'll do a little traveling, visiting family, and hosting a few visitors. The next thing everyone asks is if I'll be working: I don't know. I have some hopes, but no promises. I want a legal job, but odds are not fantastic. I'll tell you this, I haven't exactly gotten to the point where I miss working for a paycheck. I'll leave it at that.
And now, some funny stories. Andy was telling me about a new variety of Folgers coffee (which is my Dad's brew of choice) that evidently is a Brazilian blend. I told Andy we might just have to buy some and try it. He said "It's not exactly a trial size. It's a commitment. You are going to Brazil." I'm still chuckling. Funny stuff.
More funny stuff: Andy was telling me that the other morning when he arose, he thought every light in the house was on because the light was so bright in our living room and kitchen. [for editorial purposes, I'll add that the living room window faces due East and we've lived here for 5 months.] Andy said "The sun was shining right through that window! I've never seen that before!" At this point, tears are streaming down my cheeks. Andy is, shall we say, not a morning person, so I have no doubt in my mind that he had never seen the sun rising through our living room window. What has now occurred to me is this: He recently moved all our plants to the southern end of our deck. I asked him, through laughter and tears, "Did you move those plants because you actually thought that the sun only shines on the South side of our deck? You know that the window, and the deck face East right?!" He simply nods yes, and I laughed for at least another 3 minutes just thinking how funny it is that the man studied aerospace engineering, yet hadn't seen the sun shine from the east, so just decided it didn't. Funny stuff.
As always, all my love,

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