Sunday, March 13, 2011

Marching right along

I've posted some new pics (password to view is: kelliandandy).
At the outset, I never really intended this to be a blog about my domestic endeavors, but those are the only parts of my life that are very interesting :)
As you can see, I've jumped on the cute cupcake bandwagon. I was looking at a craft blog (shocker, I know) and a woman had posted these adorable sheep cupcakes. My classmate looked over my shoulder and saw them, and insisted I make them for our recent potluck. When I told her that we were supposed to bring green food, and sheep aren't green, she said "I don't care-you have to make those."
So, I made a little grassy hill for the sheep to relax on. Don't ask how much green food coloring it takes to make green cupcakes; I lost count somewhere after 40 drops.
Saturday afternoon, after weeks of plotting and planning, Andy and I sat down to whip up 20 or so St. Patrick's Day cards. Andy sends them every year, and I had such a blast with the Valentine's I decided these must be homemade, too. I have to say, I hit my stride about half-way in. Andy's were definately more consistent. Mine got progressively cuter (I had a dud in the middle there-got a little crazy with the stickers.)
As for our less frosted, glitterific, bedazzled real lives (see crafting is more exciting,) things are going really well! Andy was recently inducted to the Honor Society at school. I am so proud of how hard he works, and how well he is doing in school. He will finish his Bachelors degree next spring, but in the mean time will be picking up an Associates Degree this May before transferring to the school where he'll finish.
I have been working all semester at our school's pro bono legal services clinic, and this week I completed all the court documents to help my client file for bankruptcy. It was really wonderful to see it to completion, and it will be a relief to this person to be able to move on with a fresh start. My team has a second client that we are also working with, but it is moving a little more slowly. I will say it has been nice to have 2 different clients so that I can get a well-rounded experience. My first client is mono-lingual in Spanish, so I've been really using my Spanish skills. But, he is really, really easy to work with, so it has made the language challenge very manageable. Our other client is very difficult to meet with because of our schedules, but has a very straight forward legal situation, so it is a nice balance with our other work. All in all, working with these pro bono clients has been a real highlight of my law school career so far.
I was also recently honored to be elected to serve as the Membership Editor for law review for next year. I'll finish out this year with a few more editing projects, then I'll be creating and administering the competition that I had to do last year to get on to law review. Remember, I spent that crazy week finding 13,000 mistakes in a 10-page paper? Well, now I get to bless this year's class with that experience! Then, I'll spend most of May and June grading them. I'm really looking forward to it, actually.
I'm also applying for summer jobs, and Andy and I have already started planning our garden. It seems like summer is just around the corner, but I haven't even had spring break yet! My mama is coming to visit during my spring break, which starts next weekend. My study group girls and I are planning Kelli & Laurie's Spring Break Craft Camp. Stay tuned for updates on what will surely be a marvelous day!
I'm sure I've forgotten some important detail, but for now that's what's happening here in Minnesota. Only 7 more days of Winter, right?
Love always,

March, in like a lamb or ...

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