Saturday, October 31, 2009

It's Fall

Fall sort of snuck up on me. I even had a Fall break, but somehow Halloween just popped up. What's worse is that Christmas decorations are up and I feel like I missed Fall altogether! I did get a chance to enjoy a few things about Fall this week, and I'm feeling much better now.

Halloween Party

I honestly had no intention of ever going to the Law school Halloween party, but I did and I was the cutest flight attendant there (there were actually 2 other flight attendants, can you believe it!?)

Walking in the fall leaves

Is there anything more gratifying than hearing the crunch and rustle of leaves under your feet? I like it better than the beach because there's no dirty sand in my shoes, and better than snow because my socks don't get wet. And it means it's fall, which means my birthday is near. Andy and I walked in the park and went off the trail. Then I got some "nature" on my pants (some highly evolved weed that I brushed against covered my pants and socks with prickly little burs containing its seeds.) Since Andy loves me, he picked them all off for me so I didn't have to have any further contact with the "nature." He's a good guy.

My birthday

I have had the tragic misfortune all my life of having a birthday only 4 days after Halloween. Do you know what you get to take to class for your birthday party when kids are sick of candy and cupcakes? Pencils. So this year, given the more moderate and sophisticated crowd in my classroom, I finally got to take these divine chocolate frosted, fall leaf sprinkle bedecked cookies. It was great.

Life is really going well here. I'm busting my butt in school and getting ready for finals already! Eeek! I have my exams starting December 7, so I'll be trying to keep everyone posted, but don't be surprised if you don't hear a peep from me until December 15 when I'm all done (and 1/6 the way to being a lawyer :)

love always,


Tuesday, October 27, 2009

1/12 the way to being a lawyer

I was reflecting the other day on what one of our professors said. " In two and a half years, you'll have to start interviewing clients and you'll need to know this."
What struck me is that for the first time, we were no longer talking about the 3 year journey ahead of me and my classmates. We are far enough along, 1/12 that is, to start talking about it as less than three years. That said, I feel like I know almost nothing. A conversation with a St. Thomas grad from 2008 who works at one of the biggest law firms in the Twin Cities did little to comfort me about that. She said, "Employers know that after 3 years of law school, you still don't know very much, so they don't interview you about how to write an appellate brief. They just want to make sure you aren't crazy and that you can carry a conversation." Ok, the second part was slightly reassuring, since I am not crazy and can carry a conversation.
So if I feel like I don't know much, and even after three years, my future employer knows that I don't know much, what is the point of me trying to learn all this stuff?
I was letting this kick around inside my head a little bit when we discussed professionalism in my class today. The concept of competence came up and the professor noted that graduating from law school and passing the bar exam are the minimum level of competence required to practice law. We discussed what ways you become more competent, and it seemed to keep coming back to practice and experience. Our professor noted that maybe that's why they call it practicing law, or practicing medicine. You get better and learn and become more competent because you practice, and you have this foundation to serve as that minimum, that platform to build on.
Someone said, "Well then it's just trial and error?" Our professor pointed out that it would be a good idea to keep the errors from creeping into malpractice territory. Maybe the most important thing I'm learning right now is the consequence of incompetence. Perhaps the point of law school is to give you the basics and put the fear of God, and court sanctions, in you so you don't screw it up!
Despite my insecurities about how little I seem to know about the law at this point, I feel like I have learned a lot. I think there's a song lyric "the more I see, the less I know." I am really enjoying all my classes and it seems like each class brings up a thousand new paths I'll need to go down to learn everything there is to learn. Right now, I'm taking the advice of one of my mentors, "This first semester, just let the law wash over you." So, I'm working hard, soaking up all I can, but trying not to drown in the law.
Since everyone seems to enjoy hearing about my wardrobe malfunctions, I'll share that I am wearing a cardigan today that is molting buttons. I've lost two buttons of a 7 button sweater since I put it on.
Oh, and I was told this weekend that I have an accent. I was talking about driving with "blowing snow on the road" and I guess they just noticed that I didn't say "blooowin' snoooow on the roooooad, doooontcha' knoooow?" Then, while sharing this humorous bit with one of my classmates, he said I had a "California accent." What does that even mean?!
All in all things are good. Sending all my love to you,

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Kelli and Laurie Do the Twin Cities

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To view these on my Shutterfly website, the password is: kelliandandy

enjoy the visual tour!

My mom came to visit me for my fall break from school, and boy were we ready for a V-A-C-A-T-I-O-N! We got off to a good start by having dinner at a local restaurant with Mike and Andy. Mom and I liked it so much, we went back the next day for lunch!

I stayed with Mom at the hotel so that we could get maximum quality time in. We soaked in the hot tub, imbibed on a little wine, and a LOT of cheese, and we had chocolate covered strawberries. It felt like a vacation even if home was only 15 miles away! We stayed up late chatting and watching HGTV and then got up early to get our coffee and go make Christmas cards at our favorite place, Archiver's!

The next day we loafed around, then went to see Oklahoma! at a dinner theater. More hot tubbing, more wine, you get the picture.

Monday we did some shopping, and met up with Andy for lunch to celebrate his new job. Andy starts at Target on Tuesday. Stay tuned for "Kelli and Andy Get Their Own Place....Maybe Even Before Christmas," which will be starring me, and Andy, and the cat. It should be riveting!

Then mom and I went to visit my school. Mom ooh-ed and ahh-ed over the law school. It is pretty cool, I have to admit. Then we shopped, and shopped, and ate some more, then shopped til we dropped. More hot-tubbing, more wine, more cheese, and now we've added decadent desserts. Good Times!

On our last day, we simply had not achieved the number of Christmas cards hoped for, so we headed back to Archiver's worked feverishly for another four or five hours. It was worth it. The results were magnificent. You can see them on my mom's blog:

Then, through tears, we said goodbye. She hit the road, and I hit the books again. I have only 7 weeks of classes, then about 2 weeks of finals before I'm done for the semester. Then I will be 1/6 the way to being a lawyer!

I hope this finds all of you well and warm.