Monday, February 1, 2010

Back to School

As usual, I am shocked at how long it's been since I've updated my blog, and how much has happened since I last wrote. I had a wonderful break and enjoyed spending the holidays, and the season with family and friends. A real highlight was seeing my family at end of my break at a benefit for my Aunt Shelly. Shelly was diagnosed over the summer with ovarian cancer, and the benefit helped raise money to offset the costs of her treatment. Some very exciting news to follow that was hearing that she is officially in remission! She found out last week that she "Kicked cancer's ass!" I couldn't be happier!

As usual, lots of photos of what I've been up to:
Please see my shutterfly sharing page: the password is kelliandandy

Andy and I had his cousins over for a movie and some Wii on Friday. Since my mama raised me right, we cleaned the apartment top to bottom, and then added some creative staging. When Andy asked why we had to put his work schedule and his electric razor in a drawer hidden from sight, I explained that it's important to lie to your friends and family and pretend that you always live like that. "Make believe," if you will. I posted some Wii-tastic shots of us bowling.

I added some pictures of my latest adventure: scrapbooking our honeymoon. I had a clean house, and nothing else to do, so I revived my love of scrapping, and grabbed some peanut M &Ms and a Diet Coke and set to it. In a record achievement, I finished 8 pages! check them out.

Also, I added pictures of what I'm calling Hamit clean sweep. My mom always complains about all the junk in the basement (doesn't everyone?) and how she can never find anything, blah, blah, blah. So, I told her we'd clean it out and settle the problem once and for all. After an entire day, we only got one closet done, but it was totally worth it. You really have to see it to appreciate it. I won't even post the pictures of the places we didn't get to. It would just be too embarrassing. For now, my mom has one clean, organized closet and hopefully is inspired to tackle the rest. If not, there's always next Christmas.

Last, I added some pics of my mom's 50th birthday shin-dig. Don't worry, no one thinks she could be that old; it's not just you. She is fabulous and 5o and the proof is in the pictures.

Other than that, life's good. Busy, but good. I'm really back in the groove at school. I got what I consider good grades for last semester, and I'm really enjoying our classes this semester: Constitutional Law, Property, Criminal Law, Foundations of Justice and Lawyering Skills. Look for existential ponderings soon. Foundations of Justice really stirs up the deep thoughts.
Also, I was able to observe a deposition in an employment discrimination suit with my mentor. It was a really great opportunity and only furthered my interest in employment law.

That's all for now. Much love always,

1 comment:

  1. AJ is back in school too. Another semester of being a law school widow. How did you do?
