I had the truly rare opportunity this past weekend to actually enjoy the summerness of it all. I hate the heat, so my enjoyment most likely stemmed from the break in the oppressive heat wave. I was tickled to go to a friend's bridal shower. Naturally, I had to get my craft on and put this cute little card:
It says "All the things you'll need to be happy forever...You've already found in each other."
It was a tea party, and I can't tell you how sweet it all was. We had tea sandwiches and the table was decorated with herbs growing in teacups on saucers. All I have to say is, Woman after my own heart.
The bummer of the weekend was that my car was being "fussy." I'd call it car trouble, but I've had car trouble. Bad. And this was just the power-steering going out. I'm counting myself lucky. Besides, it gave me the opportunity to watch my husband and father-in-law roll around on his garage floor fixing it (for only $13), while I sipped cold drinks in the shade on the porch swing. We had such delightful weather Sunday. After the guys finished up the work on my car, they made dinner (!) and we ate on the swing in the shade.
Today, I had an appointment cancel, so I unexpectedly had the whole day free. I made the spontaneous suggestion that Andy and I head to the lake in our neighborhood and rent a canoe. So, we did. I know what you're thinking "Kelli voluntarily paddled around in nature?" It was so nice! But I think the best part was having a quiet hour with my husband, and the mutual agreement that, while it was lovely and we could understand how someone would love the lakes, we would never miss the mosquitos if we lived somewhere else.
Here's a little video from our adventure:
We were brave and paddled back into a little cove filled with lilly pads and saw this beautiful Heron. I hope you can see it and that you can remember to bask in this long days while they last. We'll sure be singing a different tune in just a few months.
All my love always,
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