Fall sort of snuck up on me. I even had a Fall break, but somehow Halloween just popped up. What's worse is that Christmas decorations are up and I feel like I missed Fall altogether! I did get a chance to enjoy a few things about Fall this week, and I'm feeling much better now.
Halloween Party
I honestly had no intention of ever going to the Law school Halloween party, but I did and I was the cutest flight attendant there (there were actually 2 other flight attendants, can you believe it!?)
Walking in the fall leaves
Is there anything more gratifying than hearing the crunch and rustle of leaves under your feet? I like it better than the beach because there's no dirty sand in my shoes, and better than snow because my socks don't get wet. And it means it's fall, which means my birthday is near. Andy and I walked in the park and went off the trail. Then I got some "nature" on my pants (some highly evolved weed that I brushed against covered my pants and socks with prickly little burs containing its seeds.) Since Andy loves me, he picked them all off for me so I didn't have to have any further contact with the "nature." He's a good guy.
My birthday
I have had the tragic misfortune all my life of having a birthday only 4 days after Halloween. Do you know what you get to take to class for your birthday party when kids are sick of candy and cupcakes? Pencils. So this year, given the more moderate and sophisticated crowd in my classroom, I finally got to take these divine chocolate frosted, fall leaf sprinkle bedecked cookies. It was great.
Life is really going well here. I'm busting my butt in school and getting ready for finals already! Eeek! I have my exams starting December 7, so I'll be trying to keep everyone posted, but don't be surprised if you don't hear a peep from me until December 15 when I'm all done (and 1/6 the way to being a lawyer :)
love always,
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