Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Wild couple of weeks!

I didn't realize until today that I hadn't updated my blog in almost two weeks! I've been, and continue to be, pretty busy, so I'll try to catch everyone up.
First, I finished my first paper for law school, and I feel really good about it. I get it back today, so we'll see if my professor felt the same way :) I poured something like 20 hours into it, and it was only 5 pages long, double-spaced. And, I'm sure you will all be surprised to know that I completed it and printed it more than 24 hours before it was due! I am really trying hard to avoid my former procrastinating ways.
I am in the middle of midterms, so in addition to the paper, I've been studying my little fanny off. In the last two weeks, I've spent an average of 70 hours a week at school. yay. I'm trying to get a better handle on maximizing my time. Part of the problem continues to be that I can't run home for a snack to refresh myself or for a quick nap or study break since I live an hour from school. So, I take breaks here, like walking to a coffee shop or reading magazines online. The breaks are good, they are needed, but it means I am now usually leaving school around 7 instead of 5.
I started my volunteer position for HOMELine (www.homelinemn.org) I will be taking calls on the hotline from renters that need help with issues with their lease, landlord, etc. I am excited to get started with that. At my training, the worst call was from 4 college students that had rats in their house! And the worst is that the landlord told them they would need to pay for the exterminator! (That is, by the way, the landlord's responsibility, not the tenant's) Should be interesting!
And, I've conquered my first mid-term. 1 down, 3 to go! I feel pretty good about it. And, even if I didn't, I don't have time to dwell on it because I have 3 more to study for. I will be done with mid-terms on Oct. 8th (at 2:45 pm.) I start my fall break on Oct. 10. I'm looking forward to a week off to relax and catch up on ZZZZs. Plus, I'll be entertaining a few visitors.
And, for your reading enjoyment, a story of wardrobe malfunction:
(for any man reading this, this paragraph will probably be totally lost on you, so proceed to the end.)
I had occasion to wear panty hose last week, and it was very much to my detriment. I had picked up a new variety that promised no panty lines, and no bulges thanks to a slimming control top with no waistband. Women, rejoice! Or, so I thought. As I got dressed, I was so impressed, I decided I'd go back and get 10 pair more they looked so good!
I headed off to school, and since, miraculously, I arrived almost 30 minutes early, I decided I'd walk 3 blocks to a coffee shop near school. As I walked, I noticed that the hose were slipping down a bit. We all know there is no "classy" way to solve this problem in public, so I thought that I'd right them in the bathroom in the coffee shop. The bathroom was occupied, and since I was only 3 blocks from school, I figured I'd just wait until I got back to school. Block 1, the hose started slipping to about mid-butt cheek. By block 2, they are sliding down mid-thigh. Once they got going, it was really like an avalanche. The lower they got, the faster they rolled down! I was 20 feet from the door to the school when they had reached my knees. If you ever did one of those games where you have to walk with a ball between your knees, it was like that. In rush hour traffic. With people staring. The horror.
I managed to make it to the bathroom at school to rectify them before they got to my ankles. Turns out, bulging or not, you need a waistband on pantyhose.
All in all, things are good. I'll probably have little occasion to write before Fall Break starts, so for now, I sign off.

1 comment:

  1. Even your dad laughed out loud at this one. Not just a chuckle, but a full laugh!
