Monday, August 24, 2009

First week: day one

At the risk of becoming a over-blogger, I had so many interesting experiences today that I'm going to blog about them, and maybe even blog every day this week.
First, I had the first absolutely mortifying experience of being late to class. The first class on the first day of law school. Those of you that know me well are saying "I'm so shocked! Kelli is never late!" with more than a smidgen of sarcasm. Yes, I'm notorious for tardiness, yet all last week I was perfectly punctual and often early for all my classes. And to make matters worse, upon noticing my late arrival to class, Father Whitt (my professor for said class is a priest who wears the full length linen robe) hand delivered the syllabus to me and me alone in the 8th row at the very back of the room. I, and all my classmates watched him climb 7 flights of stairs to my seat. The horror was sufficient to make me decide that I will now leave one and one-half hours to get to school, even if it means I arrive very early. Never again.
That said, I think I will love that class. Father Whitt and I seem to have like minds. My favorite quote from today's class was "It is amazing the heroic lengths to which students will go to avoid ordinary work." He gave the example of writing crib notes on one's thigh instead of just studying for the exam. I think it struck a note with me. It seems more and more that people are willing to go out of their way to create an "easier" route to avoid having to do what everyone else considers part of the facts of life.
I also discovered that I can, in fact, sprint from my class to my car in the parking garage, and back, and still have time to go down two flights of stairs to my locker, and back to class in 15 minutes. See the aforementioned story about my tardiness. Since I knew I would be late, I decided not to further make an ass of myself by carrying my lunch, my thermos of coffee, my 6 books for every other class except, ironically, the one I was running to, and 3 weeks worth of snacks I bought to keep in my locker. So, I sprinted between classes to retrieve all these items and place them in my locker.
I also discovered that there is a Starbucks that I had never seen across the street from campus. I noticed someone with a fresh iced coffee, and, because I'm basically shameless, I ran him down to ask how far away Starbucks was. I dashed there and back before class began, and on the way I was taking in the afternoon breeze and noticing all the other great shops and restaurants right around campus, I realized I don't hate it here. Many people asked if I would stay here in the Twin Cities after school, to which I responded "If I hate it there, I'll move back right away, but I am afraid I won't hate it there." And my fears have come true. It's actually pretty cool here. I don't love it yet, but, alack, I don't hate it.

1 comment:

  1. Isn't life great when you have time to drink in the culmination of a dream and realize it is coming true. Keep it up kiddo
