Yesterday was the first day of Orientation for first-year students (I don't start classes until next week.) We hosted a panel of students who talked about how they integrate their faith into the practice of law. It was really interesting to have students of different faiths talk about their perspectives.
Today, we had a student who serves in the US Army come speak to students about the challenges of serving over-seas and how words of encouragement help. We prayed for our troops, our country, the families that are left behind and for peace. Then we took a few minutes to write letters to soldiers.
Then, there was the "bedazzling." Naturally, the crafty card-making was my idea. Everyone wrote letters, then the crafters among us took to decorating them. Here is a small sample:
Yes, all of those yellow ribbons were hand-painted by me. All 45 of them. Crazy, but worth it. For a full slideshow, you can visit my photo-share site:
As always, the password is kelliandandy. Go to What's New to see the new album.
More still to come this week, so stay tuned.
Much love always,